Press release optimization doesn't get the attention it once did, at least within the SEO community. But a considerable number of releases are distributed over the wires and added to online pressrooms every day, so it is still an important tactic for … [Continue reading]
The Washington Post Social Reader on Facebook: Good First Impression, Good User Experience

Based on first impressions, I have to say I like The Washington Post’s Social Reader on Facebook. It offers a clean, simple user experience – big and open with lots of white space (in fact too big to capture well in a screenshot): (click … [Continue reading]
Hey, I Got the Lead Sentence in a Spammy Scraper Article

When I got a Google Alert that my name appeared in an article on NFL jerseys, I wasn’t quite sure what was going on. Perhaps a reference to one of my social media super bowl posts? Nope! Instead it seems I’d been given the honor of being in the … [Continue reading]
Google News Not Always So Great at Favoring Original Sources

News publishers are all too familiar with the fact that Google News doesn’t always do such a great job of favoring original sources in its story clusters. It is not usual to see a syndicated, aggregated or simply re-covered version of an article gain … [Continue reading]
Google Expanded Sitelinks: Optimize Opening Text in META Description Tag

Google’s expanded sitelinks give sites greater exposure for branded searches and the ability to dominate the page one results above the fold. User reactions have been mixed so far (some find them overwhelming or borderline obnoxious) but Google … [Continue reading]
Official Publisher Profiles on Digg One Year Later: Followers up 720% But Have They Died on the Vine?

It has been a year since I took at look at the followers and activity of News Sites on the New Digg so I thought I would see how those official profiles are faring today. When I did my original post Digg v4 was just about to come out of alpha so … [Continue reading]
Email Press Release Optimization Circa 1999

While going through some old documents I came across an article I'd written on email press release best practices back in 1999. It's a fun look back at the early days of online media relations so I thought I'd share it. I started doing online … [Continue reading]
How Much is a PR Professional Worth to a Startup?

While watching the film The Social Network over the weekend one scene in particular caught my attention. Mark Zuckerberg and key members of the early Facebook team are meeting to discuss roles and ownership stakes in the company. To quote the Mark … [Continue reading]
Will Media Outlets Keep Using Google+ Personal Accounts? Will Google Let Them?

Earlier this week Search Engine Land reported that Christian Oestlien, the Ads Lead for Google+, had posted a message asking businesses to hold off on using personal accounts to create business pages and that non-user profiles would be shut down. … [Continue reading]
Is LinkedIn the New Old Boys Network?

According to the new Pew Internet study Social Networking Sites and our Lives there are nearly twice as many male LinkedIn users as female. What gives? So what accounts for this disparity? More males in the workforce? Do men prefer LinkedIn’s … [Continue reading]
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