When I got a Google Alert that my name appeared in an article on NFL jerseys, I wasn’t quite sure what was going on. Perhaps a reference to one of my social media super bowl posts? Nope! Instead it seems I’d been given the honor of being in the first sentence of a spam article […]
The Huffington Post’s Kim Kardashian Tag-o-Rama
While on The Huffington Post yesterday I couldn’t help but notice the large number of tags they’d added to a couple posts on the Kim Kardashian photos in W Magazine, and the rather “interesting” terms being targeted. First on Kim Kardashian: W Magazine Showed ‘Full On Nipple’:
My Top Posts of 2010 on SEO, PR and Social Media for News and Sports
Another year has passed and that means it is time for marketing blogs to do their obligatory top posts of the year roundups. Despite the cliché I like reading them because it is a good way to discover things I may have missed during the year. And on my own blog I’m certainly curious to […]
Translation and Localization Tips for Publishers
This is a guest post from Christian Arno, founder of Lingo24, a global translation service. I asked Christian to provide some tips for publishers looking to expand their presence in international markets. – Adam To reach an overseas readership online publishers must ensure that they properly localize their content. Here are a few issues to […]
Which News Sites Have the Highest Reading Level According to Google?
I saw Malcolm Coles’ post on Google’s reading level scores for UK newspapers and thought it would be fun to do the same thing for US news sites. Last week Google released a new search filter that allows users to refine search results by reading level. So what reading level does Google assign to major […]
7 Conversion Rate Optimization Tips for Publishers
This is a guest post from Paras Chopra, founder of Visual Website Optimizer. Paras has been doing some interesting work with A/B testing and conversion rate optimization so I thought it would be good to get some tips for publishers from him. – Adam Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is perhaps the easiest method to increase […]
Wordcatcher: An Odyssey into the World of Weird and Wonderful Words
The discussion around my post on press release buzzwords has brought my attention to a variety of resources on language and writing, the latest being a new book called Wordcatcher. Long before getting involved in marketing communications I was a kid who grew up loving stories and more specifically words. The stories found in books, […]
What Horrible Things Did Time Magazine Do in 1964?
Was Time magazine “scurrilous and utterly shameless in its willingness to distort” in 1964? In a used bookstore over the weekend I came across some old issues of Fact: magazine. I’m not familiar with Fact: but Wikipedia tells me it was published from 1964-1967 and edited by Ralph Ginzburg and Warren Boroson. The cover of […]
Pew Research News Survey: Findings on Search Engines, Social Networks and Twitter
The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press has published the results of its latest survey on news consumption and related topics. The content on search engines and social media gets a little lost among all the stats and charts so I thought I’d summarize that data here. Search Engines
Why the News Business Isn’t Profitable
This is a guest post from Aaron Goldman, author of Everything I Know about Marketing I Learned from Google. Aaron is doing a blog tour in support of the book launch (covering 30 blogs in 10 days) which I thought was an interesting concept. I’ve been through the book and it’s a good read; for […]